
Story Points - A Tool to Solve Problems, Not a Metric

In Agile development, story points are one of the most valuable tools we use to estimate work, but like any tool, their effectiveness depends on how well they are used and understood. Story points help teams plan and communicate around complexity, capacity, and risk. However, without clear communication and alignment-especially across multiple teams-they can easily lead to confusion, misinterpretation, and even frustration, particularly for stakeholders focused on schedules and budgets. In this post, I'll share my thoughts on the best ways to use story points, the importance of viewing velocity as a team metric, and how to avoid common pitfalls when communicating story points to both teams and stakeholders.

Leadership Traits - Communication - The Underrated Trait

Communication is often seen as a basic skill, but in leadership, it's one of the most vital-and underrated-traits. It's not just about keeping your team informed; it's about ensuring the right people, both inside and outside your team, know what's happening at the right time. In my experience, clear and thoughtful communication can make or break a project, especially in consulting where so many external factors are at play. Let's dive into why communication is more than just passing information-it's an art that can define your success as a leader.