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JJ Bussert

Hi! I'm JJ Bussert, and I'm passionate about all things tech. My journey in technology has taken me through various roles, from development to consulting and leadership. Along the way, I've had the chance to work with incredible teams and help clients solve some fascinating challenges.

These days, you'll find me working on custom development solutions and continuing to refine my craft. I've had the opportunity to lead projects that range from small teams to large, complex systems, and I've loved every minute of it.

When I'm not deep into code or helping teams navigate tricky technical landscapes, you'll probably find me tinkering with my custom-built 3D printer. It's a project that combines my love of problem-solving with a bit of hands-on engineering-and let's be honest, I probably spend more time tweaking it than actually printing!


Leadership - Validate Success Like You Validate Failure

We're quick to dive into root cause analysis when things go wrong, but do we apply the same scrutiny when things go right? It's easy to celebrate success and move on, but true growth comes from validating what made that success possible. Are we taking the time to understand why things went well so we can repeat them?

GitHub Copilot - Automating Git Comments and PR Summaries

I've been using GitHub Copilot for several months, and the most common question I get is - Is it worth the price? In this post, I'll show one key use case where Copilot in Visual Studio saves time and improves code quality by automating tasks like writing detailed git commit messages and pull request summaries-tasks that often get rushed, but are essential for long-term traceability.

Leadership - Be the Idiot

As a leader, you're often expected to have all the answers, but what if asking the right questions is just as important? In a world where technology and industries constantly evolve, no one can truly be an expert in everything. Drawing from the advice of a popular video titled "Be the Idiot," this post dives into why asking questions-even ones that may seem "dumb"-can make you a stronger leader. Spoiler alert-Much to learn, we all still have. Let's explore how curiosity and humility play pivotal roles in effective leadership and team collaboration.

EF Core - More Intuitive Exceptions

Discover how EntityFramework.Exceptions can help simplify your error handling by eliminating the need for manually tracking SQL Server error codes, and learn how to write cleaner, more maintainable code.

Leadership - Tackle the Monkey First

As development leaders, we often face the pressure to deliver quick wins that impress stakeholders. But focusing solely on the flashy features can lead to ignoring critical, riskier tasks that ensure long-term success. In this post, we'll explore how to strike a balance between showing progress and tackling the real challenges-while guiding stakeholders through tough decisions, even when it's not easy.

Deploying Statiq to Azure Static Web App

Azure Static web apps is a preview feature from Microsoft used to host this blog. Learn how you can do the same with your own Statiq site.

Blog using Statiq - Getting Started

Statiq is a static code generator that is being used to generate the e13.tech blog, learn how you can do the same.

Fun with Windows Terminal - Roaming Profiles

Custom terminal profiles can be lots of fun (and useful/practical too!) but it can be terribly limiting to have to redo all of the steps every time.

Fun with Windows Terminal - WSL / Kali

You cannot look at Windows Terminal without delving into WSL, Next up Kali - the security focused distro

Fun with Windows Terminal - WSL / Ubuntu

You cannot look at Windows Terminal without delving into WSL, First up Ubuntu